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27 Oct, 2020 · 3 min read

Ifeanyi👽🦉I just wanted to say thank you @DailyDevTips1 your newsletter helps me keep up with learning even on my busiest days. #100Devs #100DaysOfCode01/29/2022
Lalit Shahi ⚛️🦉@eddiejaoude Chris you just got a +1 for being so consistent on your blog. 👏 You are really an inspiration dude.🙏 I am going to plan small but for sure going to take your consistency as an inspiration for my blog.🤞10/25/2021
Nick Lewis 🇺🇦🦉Chris wrote this amazing article daily-dev-tips.com/posts/i-blogge… via @DailyDevTips1 - writing a blog post every day is quite an achievement. I’ve also found many of the articles to be useful too it have just widened my interest in areas I’ve not explored. Well done!03/19/2021
Nick Lewis 🇺🇦🦉Check out @DailyDevTips1 blog, it’s like Joe Wicks for web developers! twitter.com/DailyDevTips1/…12/01/2021
RAHUL ⚡🦉Chris always writes amazing article -> I learned a new thing thing today and you should too... Read this amazing article by @DailyDevTips1 #DEVCommunity daily-dev-tips.com/posts/html-inp…01/30/2021