When I’m writing my articles that include Markdown files or data, I often refer to Frontmatter
What is Frontmatter?
But what is this Frontmatter exactly?
Frontmatter is a way to identify metadata in Markdown files. Metadata can literally be anything you want it to be, but often it’s used for data elements your page needs and you don’t want to show directly.
Some examples of common metadata are:
- Title of the post
- Description for SEO purposes
- Tags that belong to a document
- Or the date it was written
These are only some examples, and you can make it as crazy as you want with Frontmatter.
How to add Frontmatter?
To add Frontmatter to a Markdown document, you have to start by writing a three-dotted block at the top of your file.
title: Frontmatter section
# Markdown section
You can see the three dots as an example in the above example. Everything in there will be seen as metadata.
Below the second three dots is where our default Markdown file will begin.
Some basic Frontmatter options
It’s important to note that Frontmatter is parsed as YAML blocks, so the indentation is important.
For instance, we can set regular variables with a colon setup:
title: 'The document title'
Or we can convert them into an array of objects:
- JavaScript
- Markdown
Alternatively, you can even use the bracket way of defining arrays.
tags: ["JavaScript", "Markdown"]
In extreme cases, you might even want to have multidimensional object arrays.
- frontend
stack: Remix
- backend
stack: Go
Besides arrays, you might want to use multi-line text blocks.
The first way to add this is only visually in your code editor. This will not add newlines in the outputted code.
description: >
this is a
Which will output: this is a multi-line string
However, if you want to add new lines, use the pipe method.
description: |
this is a
Which will output:
this is a
Frontmatter is a super intuitive way of making your Markdown files contain some metadata - a cornerstone for SEO. Frontmatter renders MDX properties like tags to enhance your categories & content.
To further enhance your website content, explore SEO tools that provide detailed guidance on what to include and what to avoid in your content.
It can enhance your SEO, Website data and even render proper MDX properties.
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